for our Joint Call 2021
Accelerating the heating and cooling transition
Fifty per cent of Europe’s energy demand is for heating, and the demand for cooling is increasing year on year. With this Joint Call the ERA-Net JPP SES, the Joint programming platform initiative for Smart Energy Systems and the ERA-NET GEOTHERMICA are joining forces to accelerate the heating and cooling transition, enabling 100% climate-neutral heating and cooling by 2050.
The GEOTHERMICA and JPP SES Joint Call targets projects with a significant impact on the heating and/or cooling transition. The Joint Call is a two-stage process asking for pre-proposals until 04 October 2021 and full proposals until 31 January 2021 with a budget allocated at approximately €32,5 million.
This portal for virtual matchmaking is open from 31 May 2021 until 04 October 2021.
Please find further information about Joint Call 2021 here or here.
On this b2match platform you can find and get in touch with potential project partners for the JPP SES & GEOTHERMICA Joint Call 2021. You can share your cooperation interests on the b2match market place with other members of the community as well as with GEOTHERMICA and JPP SES partners, including Associated Partners, qualified Digital Platform Providers as well as Living Labs and Testbeds. This allows you to start building consortia and to co-create project ideas with need owners and potential partners.
To make the most of the b2match platform for you:
- Present your cooperation profile
- Search & find cooperation partners in the cooperation profile database
- Browse the marketplace to find out about the offers of the different participant groups
- Connect via messaging and virtual 1:1 video calls
Additonally you can also:
- Register on the JPP SES knowledge sharing platform and become a member of the Knowledge Community here
- Apply for becoming an Associated Partner of JPP SES here
- Sign up for the GEOTHERMICA news here
- Follow JPP SES on LinkedIn

This page is organized by the Joint Programming Platform Smart Energy Systems and ERA-Net GEOTHERMICA.
The Joint Programing Platform Smart Energy Systems receives funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreements no. 646039, 775970 and 883973
GEOTHERMICA Era-Net project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 731117.